Grey/Bruce MakersSydenham Campus1130 - 8th Street EastOwen Sound, ONN4K 5N8
We have created a new group for people interested in 3D design. It's purpose is to bring local 3D Designers together and to help newcomers learn 3D Design software. The group holds monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of each month from 7-8pm at the Grey Bruce Makers space. The purpose is to share ideas and experiences using 3D Software and to discuss the most recent tutorials.
Our first meeting on October 8th 2024 will focus on STL files. We will start with a short tutorial by Andrew explaining the STL file format (it is REALLY simple). Then we have a challenge for everyone to hand edit their own STL file describing a cube or a pyramid. After that Chris will explain how to use python to generate STL files describing computer generated objects.